WOW Spotlight: Heather Brickman

Meet Heather Brickman! She is a 2nd year Biological Engineering major with a minor of Biomedical Engineering. After graduation, Heather plans to find a full-time position that entails working with medicine and environmental sustainability! Heather has been volunteering with WOW since Spring of 2022, and has been continuing visits with us since!

What is your favorite part of WOW?
My favorite part of WOW is when the kids get to reflect on what they learned after the experiments. It’s really insightful to see what they got out of our visit, and I love to see all of their smiling faces!

What have you learned from WOW that you may apply to your future career?
WOW has taught me the value of having good communication skills when working with a wide variety of audiences. Throughout my time in the program, I have learned how to break down complex science topics to make them easier to understand for younger audiences. This has helped me in my career during interviews and when talking to peers outside of the engineering discipline because I now know how to better explain the research and projects that I do at Ohio State.