WOW Spotlight: Cherish Brumley

Meet Cherish! Cherish is a senior at Ohio State studying theoretical mathematics with a history minor. Cherish has been a part of WOW since Spring 2023. Throughout her time as a WOW volunteer, she was able to see the impact WOW has on the students. After graduation, Cherish hopes to have a wide variety of job opportunities in both STEM research and industry after finishing her job as a research assistant in medicine.

Why did you choose your major(s)?
I chose my major after the book, The Pea and the Sun: A Mathematical Paradox by Leonard M. Wapner inspired me to view mathematics from a new lens of curiosity. The book describes the Banach-Tarski paradox, which, in simple terms, is a mathematically provable idea that something the size of a pea can be repeatedly cut up and made into the size of something like the sun. Mathematics was very intimidating for me before reading this book, until I realized that math could exist in its own realm outside of what is known in physical reality. I thought, “Wow, this sounds like insanity. Where do I sign up?!” I was excited and inspired to explore the board and adventurous world of theoretical mathematics from that point. I turned my fear of mathematics into adventure, and that is how it became so meaningful to me. This major also has the great bonus of being applicable to numerous different STEM careers.
What’s your favorite Ohio State memory or experience?
My favorite things about Ohio State are the opportunities to connect and grow as a student. I volunteer at WOW, have made amazing connections with great people, worked as a research assistant to further broaden my learning, and attend career fairs and advising. This university has resources that help way beyond the classroom and is truly preparing me for my future endeavors.
What advice would you offer to future students in your major?
My advice is to try and be the best you can, but also manage burnout and fatigue. The courses in this major can be exceptionally difficult at times, and burnout can catch up with you fast if you are not careful. You can even take a course on stress management, which is a course offered here at OSU and has been helpful for me. Try to balance course loads when possible and do not be afraid to reach out to your advisors, mentors, or career coaching when needed.
What is your favorite part of WOW?
My favorite part about WOW is teaching science to kids, and it is just simply fun! I find it extremely rewarding to help kids learn new concepts and see them get excited about science. They get a great supplement to their classroom education and have fun with our experiments. There is a noticeable, positive impact on the kids. They are often sad when visits to their school for that semester get to an end, until we return for the next semester, and they light up again! I am honored to be a part of WOW and make a positive difference in my community.